Saturday, September 10, 2011

notes from Lutheran conference

A men's gold ring can sell for $200-600 dollars when melted down. Only sell jewelry to an independent jeweler, not a chain like Jared, that are certified and a member of certain organizations. They will take a 25% cut. The meltdown process takes a lot of money to set up per batch, so you get a better price when you sell a lot.

Peru, Mexico-YouTube web training

The Bible on Trial- video lhm

When someone asks a question, get to the root of it before blurting out an answer. Ask, "That's a good question. Why do you ask?" If they ask if people that commit suicide can go to heaven, find out if they had a family member go through that or if they are considering it. Then think about the law and gospel answers. has a funny video about a fire station with excuses not to go out and help people when the alarm goes off.