Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Don't leave your computer unlocked in a bank in Mexico.

Someone from a Mexican bank showed me a common practice in Mexico for not password locking your computer when you are away.
Someone, generally the co-worker next to you, will see your computer logged on and you not there, so they will quickly log onto their coworker's e-mail and send an e-mail to their own e-mail saying, "Breakfast tomorrow is on me!" Then he or she will go back to his computer and forward that e-mail to all 20 people in the team with the additional comment, "Maria is happy to pay for/bring breakfast tomorrow." 
Then the person who left their computer unlocked brings tacos and quesadillas for everyone. (I asked him how would people think of you if you brought a box of cereal and told people to bring their own milk? Culturally, he said, you don't pull something like that.)
The purpose of this practice is to make sure people are in compliance with the policy to never leave their computers logged on when they are away.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Meatloaf recipe

Better Homes and Gardens new cook book

Saturday, September 10, 2011

notes from Lutheran conference

A men's gold ring can sell for $200-600 dollars when melted down. Only sell jewelry to an independent jeweler, not a chain like Jared, that are certified and a member of certain organizations. They will take a 25% cut. The meltdown process takes a lot of money to set up per batch, so you get a better price when you sell a lot.

Peru, Mexico-YouTube web training

The Bible on Trial- video lhm

When someone asks a question, get to the root of it before blurting out an answer. Ask, "That's a good question. Why do you ask?" If they ask if people that commit suicide can go to heaven, find out if they had a family member go through that or if they are considering it. Then think about the law and gospel answers. has a funny video about a fire station with excuses not to go out and help people when the alarm goes off.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dating/Relationship tips from WebMD
-look at secret 3 of 18

"Men Take Commitment Seriously

Men have a reputation for being afraid to commit. But the evidence suggests men take marriage seriously. They may take longer to commit because they want to make sure they are onboard for good. In a survey of currently married men, 90% say they would marry the same woman again."

I came across this interesting statement that girls should take under consideration when a guy they like and that likes them back but is not ready to say, "You are perfect for me. Will you like to be in an exclusive relationship with me?" (Read "I want to stop meeting other girls.") He kind of has to keep meeting and talking with other people so he's confident you're the right fit so he feels sure about committing. Asking a guy to commit before he is ready is like telling him he has 30 seconds to decide if he wants to buy a $400,000 home with the same person living in it every single day for 70 years without taking a look at the inside of other houses. Then the girl says, "You can look but not touch others" which is interpreted as, "You can look at the outside of other houses on the market, but if you go in another house to look around, this house will be taken off the market for good, and all my friends with houses they may want to sell you will not ever offer them to you. You'll get a bad reputation, and become less datable in my social circles and my friends' social circles. You need to officially decline my offer before looking at other options. This is scary. $400,000 is a lot of money and 70 years is kind of long.

However, there are guys in the "player" phase of their life too. That may be a bit different.

My two cents is to ask yourself if you enjoy the person for who they are right now, including their current priorities (which are likely to be different than yours). If you like them for who they are at this moment in their life, just enjoy them for who they are. The alternatives are to leave them alone forever, or just keep in general contact until both of your priorities change to match (but don't put your life on hold. They may get snatched up by someone else, never change, or change in a way that doesn't make you comfortable as well.)

I do wonder about the traditional expectation for men to ask women out vs women asking men. Hanging out

Another few tips from the page were...

"Men Say "I Love You" With Actions

Some men prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words. Your guy may say "I love you" by fixing things around the house, tidying up the yard, or even taking out the trash -- anything that makes your world a better place."

--So like making you a milkshake, warming up a pizza for you, giving you chilled filtered water, folding his clothes, etc. are all ways of saying, "I care."


Shared Activities Form Bonds

"Men strengthen their relationships primarily through shared activities more than by sharing thoughts or feelings. For many men, activities like sports and sex make them feel closer to their partner."

---Well, I have heard that plenty of marriages are strained by a lack of intimacy. In only one case of a couple living together, it was the girl that didn't feel they were doing it often enough. She then left him thinking he must be cheating on her. Generally speaking, it seems that guys are the ones that tend to be more irritable if there is not much intimacy.

Men Learn From Their Fathers

If you want to know how a man will act in a relationship, get to know his dad. Some say men learn about their relationship role by watching and listening to their fathers. How they are with each other and how the father relates to the mother can predict how a man will relate to his wife.

---While not always the case, I can see that I picked up some things from my dad, like feeling a sense of accomplishment when finances are going well, even if no one else knows. Feeling good about security knowing life insurance is in place and that there are assets that can be sold off in case something happens to him/me. Also, if someone says "You're a terrible dad." or something, it can be taken personally because a lot of effort is put into attempts to be considered a good one. He buys tickets to shows because he thinks that's a treat and a way to show he cares though some people appreciate it less than him. He bought a Lincoln Town Car because he has the perception that it is a luxury vehicle and cares about his family. That makes sense to him because if he ever decides to drive to New York, he is thinking he wants to transport his larger parents in a comfortable vehicle and he thinks that is his duty as a son. I say I also have the duty to the environment and my finances to not buy a car that gets 18 miles to the gallon, but hey, we both have things we value. I am considering a Nissan Altima with plush leather seats because I want people to feel comfortable when riding with me, and I guess I too am willing to sacrifice some fuel efficiency for additional space and comfort. So maybe we are more alike than I thought. SO in summary, I think this is how my dad thinks he takes care of the family.

-A lot of life insurance
-Tops off the gas for all the cars when he is home on the weekend
-Gets oil changes regularly from Jiffy Lube (they are friendly, but have probably cost us some money in free advise)
-He'd buy groceries from Sam's Club to supplement the food from Aldi's my mom buys. She won't buy soda, and kids crave soda, so he taught us how to price shop for soda, food, and other things because buying the best value is an important life skill to him.
-He also used to take the kids out to eat at Sam's after church and Sunday school believing it was quality time. Instead of buying a pre-made pizza for like $12 at Sam's, he'd tell us to pick out a $9 frozen one from Sam's (exact same pizza) and ask the pizza place in Sam's to warm it up for us which they would do for free. That way we save $3 a week.
-A large comfortable house with room for his parents to stay if they visit (Pull out sofa, spare cots) I mean he bought a 5 bedroom 2.5 bath when there were only 3 people in the family. He also wanted a two door garage so both cars could be protected from storms. He believes in protecting his assets.

"Men Let Go Faster Than Women

Women tend to remember negative experiences longer and may have lingering feelings of stress, anxiety, or sadness. In contrast, men are less likely to dwell on unpleasant events and tend to move on more quickly. So while you may still want to talk about last night's argument, your guy may have already forgotten about it."

-True that brother. Ever been in a situation where a girl lists off things you've done or not done in the past year that she didn't appreciate, and you're stuck with only vague generalizations of things she could work on (just in case she asks what she could do to improve herself after listing the things you need to be aware of) because you can't even remember what you had for dinner? Seriously, just smile and enjoy what you have. If a girl becomes a nag or constantly brings up things from the past, she may not be worth keeping around. Be glad you didn't marry her, right? Not many guys could handle that every day.

"Men Don't Pick Up on Subtle Cues

Men are more likely to miss subtle signals like tone of voice or facial expressions. And they are especially likely to miss sadness on a woman's face. If you want to make sure your guy gets the message, be direct."

--Thank you! Besides, if we do pick up that you're sad, we may likely assume it's our fault and what guy wants to hear what he did now... again? I guess it depends on the relationship. Also, if someone is down, do you let them stay down by asking them to talk about it? Or do you try to change the subject so they can be happy like you? It's probably situational. But girls should not expect guys to pick up on stuff. You'll probably be disappointed. I almost want to say have low expectations, but then again, I don't want the girl of my dreams to settle for a guy that can't care about her the way I am capable of, but choose not to be around people I am unsure of. I'm willing to do so much for the right person. But I don't want to do so much for the wrong person because she'd never want to leave me when i found the right person, or it would break her heart, and I don't want to break someone's heart. I may be taking this whole dating thing too seriously.

"Men Respond to Appreciation

Showing appreciation for your guy can make a big difference in the way he acts. Take parenting. Studies show that fathers are more involved in care-giving when their wives value their involvement and see them as competent."

--I get all smiley, proud, and stuff when I feel appreciated. It's a bit silly, but it feels good and then I'm more likely to do stuff like that again.

"Men Think About Sex ... A Lot

OK, so maybe this one is no secret. The majority of men under age 60 think about sex at least once a day, compared with only a quarter of women. And that's not all. Men fantasize about sex nearly twice as often as women do, and their fantasies are much more varied. They also think more about casual sex than women do. But thinking is not the same as doing."

--That's down from once every 60 seconds, another statistical rumor I heard.

"He Likes It When You Initiate Sex

Most guys feel as though they're the ones who always initiate sex. But they also like to be pursued and wish their partner would take the lead more often. Don't be shy about letting your guy know you're in the mood. Initiating sex some of the time may lead to a higher level of satisfaction for both of you."

--Imagine if someone you liked pushed you up against the wall, put her arms around your head and back and said..."For the next 30 minutes, you're mine" or something like that... Now stop imagining. That's about as close as you'll probably get to that happening if you're a guy. Girls don't seem to initiate physical things. If a guy initiates it all the time, he gets worried that he's doing it too often, not enough, being too forceful, not being forceful enough, etc.

Men Like Pleasing Their Partner

"Your pleasure is important to your man. But he won't know what you want unless you tell him. Too many women feel uncomfortable talking about what they like and don't like. If you can tell him clearly in a way that doesn't bruise his ego, he'll listen. Because he knows he'll feel good if you feel good."

--How would you feel if your partner made you feel amazing, but she herself was like, "Eh". It's just kind of wrong. It makes you feel self-centered and worried she'll think you're self-centered or "just a boy being a boy". Ahhh! Of course faking is bad too (if we know) because we still feel like we aren't capable of something, especially when we are willing to try. Ok, fine. Sometimes, perhaps most of the time, it can be all about us and that's perfectly great. But every single time? It may make us wonder if it is more of a chore for you than something you enjoy.

"Men May Stray When Needs Aren't Met

If a man doesn't feel loved and appreciated in his relationship, he may turn elsewhere for satisfaction. For one man, that may mean burying himself in work. Another may develop a fixation on sports or video games. And some men cheat. To avoid this, partners need to work together to meet each other's needs."

--I've heard this before. Of course, you have to know what a guy's needs are and accept them, or logically convince him otherwise, but don't be optimistic.

"He's Vested in You

Most men realize there's a lot to lose if a long-term relationship goes sour – not just each other's company, but the entire life you've built together. If you're willing to work to strengthen your marriage, chances are your man will be, too."

--Is being accusational really helping to work things out? If not, why do girls have a tendency to do that? Fortunately I haven't had to really deal with this much in the past few years.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The differences between a geek and a nerd

The terms may be used interchangeably, but they are a bit different.

A nerd is someone that is very smart, often specializing is something, stereotypically technology but also the sciences, math, or engineering. However, it can be applied to most any discipline with a qualifier. "He's pretty much a bike nerd. Ask him before you buy anything." Most generally, nerd is associated with someone good with technology, generally computers, at least through 2008 when tablets and smartphones started coming out. Now it may include those depending on how traditionally you take the term. Nerds traditionally were anti-social, but now nerds with social skills are becoming more common and can be people's best friends.

Geeks are typically an obsessed fan of something, like a TV series, traditionally something SciFi like Star Trek, Star Wars, and probably starting around the year 2000, also anime and manga. If you can recite the lines from the movie, you are probably a geek. Judgment is still out if you can recite the words from a present day Earth-based reality, such as a Sex and the City episode. You may just be called "a girl". People that dress up as characters from something are generally geeks. Amtgard (which can be fun) would definitely be a field of geeks swinging duct tape fun noodle swords at each other role playing as knights, maidens, a king, etc. Dressing up as "William Wallace" from Braveheart is just awesome. Some may consider that geeky, but an awesome geeky if at all. It's not really fictional, so it's hard to tie down. People into comic books would also fall under the geek label.

Traditionally, geeks are more likely to get average grades whereas nerds are likely to get in the top 10% of the class. Napoleon Dynamite was a geek. Stephen Hawking and Steve Wozniak are science and tech nerds. I took a test that said I'm a modern, cool nerd-the person people like to call when they have a question about something. I can live with that.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Interesting stuff from the week

July 2011 
More Reddit stuff!

This girl has more smarts than I gave her credit for. Nice play.

A real life Truman show with a photoimposed eggplant image...

Basically, what comebacks do you have when someone asks why you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
-My in-laws couldn't conceive
-Are you asking me out?
-I'm skipping my first marriage
-You and mom are 15 years apart, I'm just waiting for the right 10 year old come along.

Taser tests meth ridden sheep to make sure death won't occur to humans on meth when tasered. This could be a joke, but the picture is pretty sweet.

When someone asks you to send a link, send them this URL-

Funny sleeping dog story.

Four pictures explaining why men die earlier than women

Do you know what a shitzu is?

A new way to relax at the pool

This guy may need to step up his game

Are you raising a not so good kid?
Your indulgent parenting is spawning a generation of entitled hipster brats

Pretty cool sculpture

Snakes have forked tongues to smell in stereo

Why not to get in my way! (Hehehe)

You're easily offended

Dude. This kid killed Santa.

"Shaq really like popcorn"

Keyboard cat's less sophisticated cousin

Zidbits has lots of interesting factoids. Browse the site.

Here are some picture hosting sites with their policies as of 2011.

Google+ will support unlimited picture and 15 minute video uploads. Not sure how good the interface will be for simply personal backup. is another option for unlimited picture hosting. need to check it out. Supposedly saves full res versions unlike shutterfly which charges for those. by Yahoo has unlimited photo storage and 90 second video.

Picasa has unlimited photo storage, but only for pictures under 800 pixels and up to 15 minute videos.

One thing I look for is a static page link to pictures, at least for images I want to post in craigslist. The downside is lack of privacy.

People read web pages in an "F" shape

So I learned a few terms playing pick up volleyball games with strangers.

When someone says it's time for a watermelon break, they are referring to a busty girl about to walk past the court they want to check out, not the fruit. I laughed.

One guy playing volleyball asked a girl playing with us if she was seeing anyone, and she said she was "in an NST relationship". I asked what that was, completely not expecting it to be a shorthand reference to what I'd seen on hilarious personal ads on craigslist, but indeed it was a No Strings Attached relationship.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bike Lock Anti-Theft Program (Will you actually qualify?)

After getting a $12ish dollar bike lock cable snipped and a $380 Fuji Roubaix bike I bought off craigslist that I was going to resell for $700ish (Current new price was $950 and original MSRP was like $1200-$1500), I bought a $44 U lock/cable combo pack with $1500 of anti-theft protection. That got me thinking about what I needed to do to qualify. There are different rules per manufacturer, but I don't know if I'd qualify.

It kind of seems like there are so many hoops to go through to process a claim, that there really isn't a good chance you can actually collect from the anti-theft warranty.

In Summary, Kryptonite does not require you to have a homeowners policy existing on your bike unlike Master Lock (Probably) and Bulldog (even more probably). With Kryptonite, you don't need the UPS You still only have 15 days to send in all paperwork including a reciept of your

Bulldog Lock policy

2.2 Registration Form

Within 15 days of purchase of your OnGuard U-lock or chain lock, please completely fill in the OnGuard Lock Registration Form, and mail it, along with the following items to:

Todson, Inc.

Limited Anti-Theft Program Offer

73 North Washington Street

North Attleboro, MA 02760:

2.2.1 The original sales receipt clearly showing that you have purchased an OnGuard U-lock or chain lock and model number. The limited anti-theft program does not cover any cables or cutting of cables that accompany U-locks. Only the following model locks are covered under the anti-theft program: ------(How often would a thief cut the lock instead of the chain? The chain is usually the weak point. Oh, and ANY CABLES includes cables that come with the locks)

5000, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5006M, 5007, 5008, 5009, 5009LM, 5010, 5010LM, 5010C, 5011, 5012, 5012C, 5013, 5013TC, 5013TC7, 5014, 5014TC,5015, 5015TC, 5016, 5016L, 5017, 5017HD, 5017LPT, 5017HPT,5018, 5018HD, 5019, 5019L, 5019LP, 5019LPS, 5020, 5021, 5046, 5047,5048, 5048C, 5049, 5050, 5100, 5108, 5109, 5112.

2.2.2 A copy of the sales receipt of your vehicle, or if your sales receipt is not available, a signed and dated appraisal of your motorsport vehicle/bicycle by a reputable authorized dealer on that dealer’s business stationery. -------(Used bikes are likely appraised at about 50%-75% of a new one.)

2.2.3 If you qualify for the anti-theft program, you may purchase one (1) year of coverage for $1.00 (USD); two (2) years for $10.00 (USD);(3) years for $15.00 (USD). To purchase additional coverage, enclose a check (USD) made payable to Todson, Inc. with the paperwork required for registration. Coverage may only be purchased within 15 days of purchasing your OnGuard Lock. -------(So within 15 days of buying the lock, you have to actually take the extra step and purchase the insurance on top of filling out paperwork. I'm not sure if you have to have your bike registered under your insurance policy. It asks for that info. What if you don't have an existing policy?)

3. Limitations and Conditions of Limited Anti-theft Program Offer

3.1 This limited anti-theft program offer applies only if you satisfy all if the requirements within the time periods set forth below.

3.2 Todson, Inc. will NOT be liable if theft occurred where:

3.2.1 The vehicle was not properly locked to a solidly anchored immovable post or object,

3.2.2 The object to which the vehicle was locked was dismantled or cut,

3.2.3 The frame of the vehicle was cut,

3.2.4 The OnGuard lock was not broken or opened by forceful means,

3.2.5 Torches, battery operated tools or power tools were used to open the lock.

3.3 Todson, Inc.’s liability under this limited anti-theft program shall be determined by the following formula: A – B = C, where:

A = the base purchase price of the stolen vehicle including manufacturer’s original equipment and excluding separately purchased accessories and taxes or the maximum applicable program amount whichever is less, and

B = the amount of any home owner’s or other insurance proceeds paid as a result of the theft, and

C = Todson Inc.’s maximum liability subject to the value limitation as identified on the package of your lock.

3.4. This limited anti-theft program does not cover:

A. vehicles used commercially (rental, delivery bikes, etc.),

B. damages to a vehicle in connection with attempted theft, (So if a crowbar breaks the spokes in the wheel, or bends the crank, or the people steal the handlebars, unsecured wheels

C. thefts occurring outside the United States of America, its territories and possessions.

3.5 The maximum amount to be paid to any owner depends on the lock model and its usage, regardless of the number of vehicle(s) belonging to such owner. (Speaking of multiple vehicles, what if I alternated the one lock between 3 bikes? It seems like I can only register one bike to each lock. Lame....)

4. To File A Claim Under This Limited Anti-theft Program


4.2 Notify Todson, Inc. in writing within seven (7) days of the theft by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the above address and include:

4.2.1 a copy of the police report indicating that you reported the theft within 72 hours of discovery, (Yeah, if you dial 311 as I was told to by the biking police people, the non-emergency 911, you talk to someone who takes down your police report over the phone. How do I get a copy of that? If I had the police station mail a copy, there is a good chance I would not get it for 4-14 days and be outside of the 7-day time restriction-unless I took 3-4 hours out of my day to file a report at the police station and asked them for a copy-which they may or may not do, to get a copy of the report the same day to mail)

4.2.2 a copy of the claim filed with your insurance company, if applicable, (If I don't have insurance on your bike, it better not be applicable. Sheesh, I go through a bike or two ever month or so. Too much paperwork.)

4.2.3 at least one original key from your OnGuard lock,

4.2.4 your broken OnGuard lock, and (Which the thieves leave there 100% of the time..?)

4.2.5 your Registration Form, and all applicable attachments, if not previously submitted. (Didn't you have to mail this in within 15 days after purchase?)

4.3 After Todson, Inc. receives all the materials listed above, Todson, Inc. will instruct you of any further steps necessary to process your claim. Todson, Inc. reserves the right to fully investigate your claim and request additional information it deems necessary to determine the validity of a claim. Todson reserves the right to deny claims that it cannot substantiate or that it deems to be false, misleading, or fraudulent.

Master Lock has a similar story
They make the "Street Cuff" (one with a 9 link chain one with a 1-3 link chain) that the police force invested in since police bikes were getting stolen.
There are links to the PDFs with the small print. In summary, master Lock will only pay if the lock itself is forced open or cut on select models. All paperwork has to be completed within 15 days of purchasing and it is only good for ONE YEAR.

Only U-locks and the Street Cuff models have the anti-theft warranty. No chain or cable locks qualify for the warranty. (From that I can infer that the chain and cable locks.... are at a high risk for being forcibly removed.) You need to have your bike registered with an official authority. You need the ORIGINAL UPC code from the box (not a copy) AND reciept... wow. Who saves those? Also a copy of the sales receipt from the bike dealer or a signed and dated appraisal from "your dealer" on the dealer's letterhead.

Here are some kickers with Master Lock
You need a copy of the detailed police report from within 72 hours of the theft.
2. YOU NEED A COPY OF THE CLAIM FILED WITH YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY.... wait... I don't have a policy for my bike... so I don't qualify?
3. BOTH original keys from the Master Lock (and if you loose one like people tend to do... you loose)

For Kryptonite, they seem a bit more easygoing

"If you would like to send in the paperwork but have already discarded the package, or the shop didn't give it to you at purchase, here are the things you will need to do within 15 days after you purchased your lock. Send the following items to Kryptonite or its authorized representatives outside of the U.S (Canada, Germany and the UK only):

* Your completed Kryptonite Lock registration form (if you need a new one, please contact customer service at
* A copy of your itemized lock bill of sale
* A copy of your itemized vehicle bill of sale, or a dated and signed dealer appraisal reflecting market value (not including tax and accessories)
* Proof of bicycle or vehicle registration (if available, not required)
* A check or money order for the coverage on locks that require payment for the first year or to extend the offer for a maximum of three years."

---It is my understanding that you must have homeowners' insurance to take part in the anti-theft protection offer. What are the parameters?---

We've heard that, too, but it just isn't true. Unlike other companies, Kryptonite does not require you to have homeowners', or any other insurance, to register for the anti-theft protection offer. Kryptonite covers the base purchase price of your registered item, excluding accessories and tax.

Should you have insurance, in most cases the insurance company will cover the total value of the item stolen. However, if they do not, we will pay the amount of your deductible

Friday, July 1, 2011

Renting thoughts

So I am paying $700 a month for rent, utilities, and a pool of money to fix up the place. Say $600 of that is actually rent. (3 bedroom, shared living room, kitchen, bathroom, washer dryer)

I hopped on an amortization calculator today (google it), and tried to see how much I'd have to pay per month to own a home. For a $270,000 home at a 30 year mortgage (though I'd pay extra per month and make it a 15-20 year) it would cost about $1800 a month (plus taxes). But then you get to sell it for the cost (minus the interest paid). I wonder how much of that goes to interest and how much you pay in taxes. The house is bigger... and you could possibly lease it out... Interesting.

Homeowner's insurance
replacement of parts

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Maybe I should be posting some of this type of stuff to instead of my not very public blog so more people would see it and it may bring joy to the hearts of many... much like the Boxxy videos on YouTube.

Here are some cool links I saw on Reddit today

Wow. A guy lost his girlfriend.... whatever. FREE NAILS!!! (This is hilarious!)

"Hope to See you again!" says the nurse in Pokemon.

The highlight of EA Game's new football game is that you can decide if you want your player to have dreadlocks or not. You think I'm joking?

Camel drinking from a soda bottle at a concert

If you worked at Caterpillar, would you sell bulldozers to Israel knowing they would use it to bulldoze poor neighborhoods and charge the former tenants for the "clean up".

This is what makes skydiving exciting!

You don't need a college education to be focused and way hardcore. This Army Ranger's prosthetic story is crazy.

This cat passes out in 2 seconds. Funny gif video.

"Looks like Darwin missed an easy one." There is driving while texting, and riding a motorcycle on the freeway while texting... this is the latter.

Proof that the spots on a Dalmatian are simply illusions.--Oh lost the link. Placeholder!

Communist countries ration handouts (North Korea)

Slapstick comedy reference in a database.

Shut down the town. Someone badmouthed the dictator.

Why aren't there more adult playgrounds? There totally should be! Toss in some disc golf, some 40 foot swings, a sturdy merry-go-round, some slides that go fast, and we're in business!

Comments on how far you'll go before date 3.

This wet dog looks silly and sad.

Kangaroo in pajamas. Looks like a burro's face.

Apparently the government thinks that a way to stop an immanent protest is to have a government sponsored "disco" at the same time. Read the last paragraph. The whole "Last Dictator of the West" and the electricity being shut off to this country and stuff was cool too.

Kind of dirty, but a guy put up posters advertising "lessons" and his phone number got girls to give him money for his advise/input of these party favors. He apparently got customers, though I doubt they were as attractive as he was hoping. Do a search in the top 500 for "high school".

Pull for delicious candy! (Post-it notes on a fire alarm)

Wow. Beware of "I own a film company" ads on Craigslist. Even if the storyline is simple and based off of Zelda.

"Stop putting these bumper stickers on your cars!!! I drive a Ford built in Mexico when there is a Toyota factory up the street."

WTF. A guy in a high speed chase (he must have done something wrong) crashes his van, flips it, is thrown lifelessly into the concrete gutter, and police run to him.... and start punching him...

Want to know what a first world "problem" is? Check out this restaurant complaint.

The downside to too much man hair. 

I'm not an electrician, but I don't think this is right...


Don't use your roommate's shower gel.

Regardless of the year, soldiers will be boys...

Clothing care instructions... and what not to do.

A tech question techies get to laugh at.

Rich kids...

When two idiots inconspicuously meet at a gas station...

Skirt length insinuation meter...

This girl doesn't understand a trust fall...

Unrelated, but one of the techies at work uses a Dell Precision T5400 with 8 Xenon cores at 2.5GHz each and 8 GB of ram at home to run Windows 7 x64 and VMWare to run Ubuntu as well as host game servers and stuff like that. Looks like a powerhouse.

Where rats go to die

When a bigger dog gets old and ready to die, they sometimes have the urge to walk away from all they know, lay down, and die alone. Looks like this rat just died trying to find its next meal. How noble. (Not that I personally value traditional perceptions of nobility.)

I was told there was rat poison in that basement. Still an interesting story-to me at least. I should probably scoop it up with some cardboard before bacteria and other animals get to it.

Reminds me of the movie, Dinner with Schmucks.

Funny. Ridiculous, but funny.

See what it is like to run a McDonald's at It took me a few times to catch on, but then lasted until 2175ish (starting in simulated year 2000) before my browser window became unresponsive. I was doing well too!

Monday, June 27, 2011

How many errors can you find?

Friday, June 24, 2011


Nurses and bartenders aren't that different. Both give you shots if you're feeling bad.-- totally made this one up, but I doubt I'm the first one.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

There is an annual special bike ride here in Chicago. Guess the theme.

Sleepstream resonance- increase brain frequency

Dollop Cafe
Penny's Noodle shop -BYOB

Adam Gordon

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Do you see the ironic typo?

Apparently the guy who founded Jimmy John's was almost kicked out multiple times from his private school-the same school my roommate went to. The headmaster kept giving him more chances.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My newer bike! Trek 1000

This Trek 1000 bike was so undervalued, 80 people sent the seller an e-mail within 5 hours. I happened to be one of them and able to meet a few hours later despite having other things planned that night. I also asked more questions, like if he could look for the cycling computer, which he included for me and not for the guy who bought the identical other bike a few minutes before me. Actually, he took the computer off the other bike and gave it to me since the one on my bike had been lost. He said he was fine with it because the other guy didn't ask for the computer. It rides very smoothly. Only thing is that it has shimano sora shifters that can't be used when using the drop bars. It does have computer buttons in the shifters to cycle screens which is cool.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dance in Chicago

Tuesday: black rock Addison
Wednesday: flat cats alhambra
Thursday:green mill
Second Friday: code blue rumble arts center last Friday bluetopia


Lamps for a couple far apart

Saturday, May 14, 2011

10 cent ketchup packets

Saving money by charging for condiments makes sense, but it just seems odd since restaurants used to give you a fistfull of packets if you asked for ketchup.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pigeon prevention-spikes on I beams

A conversational guy who hadn't taken a shower in quite a while pointed out that pigeons used to roost on these beams and poop on people until the spikes (which he estimated first at $100, then he revised it to f-n $10,000 of the people's money).

He compained about Obama. I asked if he voted. He said he stopped voting years ago. Every politician is apparently bad. better pics/4 cords YouTube/stopmotion post it notes YouTube

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Apartment searching

@ properties and chitown? are free apartment finding services.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Do you really need a RAM upgrade? Not past 2x2GB according to results for MacBook Pro performance with 2,4,6 and 8 GB of RAM

One of the first things a tech blog will say you can do to speed up your computer is to increase your RAM. I wanted to see the performance difference in a test called geekbench. I use geekbench to compare the performance of computers to each other.

I actually found that, for the tests in geekbench and with quantities of ram from 4,6, and 8 GB (not 2 because I was not able to test 2 x 1 GB sticks), the amount of ram does not matter. The only thing that matters at these levels of ram is whether you have one or two sticks installed, with two sticks always being better than one. (So two 2 x 2 GB sticks is better than 1 x 4 GB stick). One stick of 2 or 4 GB produced scores below 3512. Two sticks of 2 and 4 GB always scored above 3553.

In these tests, the 2 x 2 GB (4 GB) was equivalent to (actually slightly faster than) 1 x 2 GB + 1 x 4 GB (6 GB) and 2 x 4 GB (8 GB).

These tests show no reason to upgrade your RAM past 2 sticks of 2 GB ram for your computer. In fact, it is possible that the hibernate file equivalent to the size of your installed RAM that your computer stores on your hard drive when you tell it to sleep (+ automatically hibernate in the unibody models and perhaps even older) could be larger than it needs to be if you upgrade your ram. Basically, the less RAM you have, the smaller the hibernate file is on your hard drive giving you a few GB more hard drive space. Not a huge deal, but an interesting possible fact.

I tested a MacBook Pro version 5,3 with a 2.53 Core 2 Duo
1 x 2 GB (2 GB)= 3505 | 3506 (one stick of ram)
2 x 2 GB (4 GB) = 3561 | 3573 (two sticks of ram)
1 x 4 GB (4 GB in bottom slot)= 3512 (one stick of ram)
1 x 4 GB (4 GB in top slot) = 3508 (one stick of ram)
1 x 4 GB (bottom) + 1 x 2 GB (top) (6 GB) = 3567 (two sticks of ram)
1 x 4 GB (top) + 1 x 2 GB (bottom) (6 GB) = 3553 (two sticks of ram)
2 x 4 GB (8 GB) = 3555 (two sticks of ram)

The results will look like this.

2 x 4 GB ram

Integer Processor integer performance 2927
Floating Point Processor floating point performance 5205
Memory Memory performance 2629
Stream Memory bandwidth performance 1833

AVG 3555
1 x 2 GB ram

Integer Processor integer performance 2918
Floating Point Processor floating point performance 5238
Memory Memory performance 2537
Stream Memory bandwidth performance 1473

AVG 3509

I should have saved the results to look at the memory scores from a 1 x 4 GB RAM, but I imagine they would resemble the 1 x 2 GB one because the overall scores were the same.

Resale value of cell phones on the website gazelle.c

Friday, April 8, 2011

Weird wikileaks prosecution threat phone call

I just got a strange automated phone call on my cell phone that said that the ISP linked to my phone number reported that I had viewed wikileak documents and could be prosecuted up to $250,000. Then it asked me to leave a message in my defence and my individual case would be evaluated by what comments I left. Then I heard a beep and I hung up.
Weird... and at 10:30 ish pm.
The call came in from an unknown number that my phone didn't record me receiving on my call history.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Boy Scout food and cut

The snack of the Boy Scout.
The cut from ring around the trash can game during a meeting.
We raked and bagged leaves in the woods where the renaissance fair takes place at rotary park.

GT Edge Aero road bike

Here are some pictures of my GT Edge Aero as well as a top ten list as to why you should ride a bike from the Alpine Shop.


I found a fast way to stuff envelopes, watch tv shows online, and eat settles.