Thursday, December 31, 2009

The west highland way - andy brown - fgood piano song.. What are some other good piano songs?
If you "love" someone before they earn or do anything to think they desrerve your love, the person may not value the love. - we are watching the Terminator

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If it's not the size that matters, I'll take the one on top

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1.5 oz of roast beef on the jr size, 3 oz regular, + $1.20 = 5 oz medium, + $.80 = 7 oz large.

This chicken burger from Arby's is tiny

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It is probably referring to McDonald's because Wendy's has a 99 cent menu. That was my logic In saying the competitor was mcd. That and that mcds is the most popular.

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I wonder if the " worth the extra cent" is a way of differentiating Arbys from rival McDonalds as an upper class restaraunt. How have sales done? McDonalds probably had a surge as the economy worstened [perhaps due to the media misinterprting slower growth as a decline and causing a panic] so the $5.01 may have been done to combat that [depending on time of introduction]. Therefore the campaign effectiveness could not be easily measured

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Taxes may be able to be decreased (if it was made so simple, more people would do it) if there was a method of payment by tax ID/ or some number tied to both a person and a number for a business. People would just pay workers and perhaps even pay for products and services by going to a computer and transferring funds to the number for the person or business. This would automatically deduct the proper taxes and put the rest of the money in a bank account (or equivalent, like a monthly check mailed out for a person that doesn't subscribe online). The idea is that if paying taxes is simpler, less unintentional evasion would take place. If I don;t know how to do it very well, how can I expect a majority of the nation to?

This would impact banks and credit card companies.

Do credit card companies have too much influence? If you do not use two credit cards at east once a year, your credit score is damaged and it becomes harder to get loans for homes. What is a better way to determine if people will pay bills and mortgage payments? If there was that account number that deducted taxes, maybe certain things, such as a mortgage, utilities, car payments (but not subscriptions for ring tones [or ringtones?]) could be set up to autopay.
Taxes may be able to be decreased if there was a method of payment by tax ID/ or some number tied to both a person and a number for a business. People would just pay workers and perhaps even pay for products and services by going to a computer and transferring funds to the number for the person or business. This would automatically deduct the proper taxes and put the rest of the money in a bank account (or equivalent, like a monthly check mailed out for a person that doesn't subscribe online). The idea is that if paying taxes is simpler, less unintentional evasion would take place. If I don;t know how to do it very well, how can I expect a majority of the nation to?

This would impact banks and credit card companies.

Do credit card companies have too much influence? If you do not use two credit cards at east once a year, your credit score is damaged and it becomes harder to get loans for homes. What is a better way to determine if people will pay bills and mortgage payments? If there was that account number that deducted taxes, maybe certain things, such as a mortgage, utilities, car payments (but not subscriptions for ring tones [or ringtones?]) could be set up to autopay.
It stoppded letting me send pics saying I have to solve a captcha.

I like mixing and matching everything. So I had some of my dressing and some of my sisiter's. This is a bigger side salad than we expected

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Meatloaf staker with onion rings, vegetables, mashed potatoes, salad with Italian dressing [Zias Stl dressing is liquid lovely, but it does have food coloring in it... Stains and is unneccisary] [sister likes fetta cheese, baby spinich, red wine vinnagarette, maybe add some walnuts... ]

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We wonder if this guy knows how to put on a serpentine belt. He is doing it differently than the 3 20 some year olds at Jiffy Lube who just refitted it.

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List, in order, these 4 methods of vehicle maintenance by amount they can improve fuel efficiancy: Air filter, correct grade of motor oil, tuned engine, and properly inflated tires.... GO!

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The original driver picked us up at the end of his shift. Drove us to his base. Mom did paperwork somewhere and it took about 45 minutes before we were told they wouldn't help us but would drive us to a Ford tri motor. So we are here ow. There is free wi fi

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There should be a crane simulator. I saw a special about them and how much good ones can make. I an design the simulator and sell it to training locactions. Well, the supply can easily overcome the demand if people are trained since jobs per day are few. Just have 1 per crane.

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Jeep snowplow

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If there are different levels of tow insurance, Well I suppose any insurance, maybe there should be a baseline of $5 a month, the first month of a preminum plan be $10 whenever the user switches and then $8 a month for each succesive month. This way people would be discouraged from switching month to month from basic to premium to basic and they have recommended coverage longer. Pros and cons

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We are his 8th tow this night!
If AAA automatically covers the cost of a tow, does that mean that there is a universal rate? He says cost per response and a rate per mile is covered by AAA PLUS [ONE].

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I wonder how much a tow truck like this costs. A pickup with a cab And engine this large, like an F-350 runs what, $30-35,000? This is a GMC.

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Living in vinyl luxury Inside the wreckmaster

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Inside the wreckmaster.

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He attached a hook to the A-arm near the tire

10 feet in front, out, then tilt. Now I hae to use the restroom. It has been 6 hours

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The highway turnpike truck is behind us. They don't have tools. But are sitting there anyway. The driver invited my parents, the only peoople that came out, to warm up in the cab. My dad is oblivious that his window in that vehicle is rolled down from when the driver called out to him. So heater on, window open. The driver probably assumes my dad is at a good temperature with the window down and heater on. the AAA guy pulled up in front of us. He doesn't know the serpentine belt fell off.

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Yeah, this is what we see too as we are stranded at the side of the road on the Pennsylvania Turnpike early in the morning. It is cold and slushy. We had to keep driving even after the belt fell off because my mom didn't feel safe pulling over to the side of the road where there were signs saying, "watch for falling rocks". I asked if the cold air was enough to keep the engine from overheating. It wasn't. The thermostat temp was rising after only a few minutes. The Turnpike Control truck arrived that my dad hailed by pushing the emergency button on the side of the road. But they don't have the tools to put the belt on. 16 mm open ended wrench and a pipe for leverage was used by the people at Jiffy Lube to put the serpentine belt on a few days ago when it fell off for at least the 5th time a few days ago. I had not been alerted to this issue beacuse I hadn't driven this van as I've been
away at college. My mom contiinued to assume the belt was "fixed" and wouldn't come off on this trip

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My sister thinks I am annoying for not using battery power on my laptop, cell phone, etc. In the van. On this vacation I have constantly had a 2 plug power adapter plugged in charging at least my dad's Motorola Q cell phone at it has the most contacts, an Internet connection that can be used to tether a laptop to the Internet via bluetooth, and a good speakerphone. I can use the computer with an Internet connection to make calls with gizmo5 and Google voice simultaiously as someone is using the Moto Q to call as I use the Internet.

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Something I hadn't consitered, the serpentine belt fell off again. This means no water pump, no fans for heating or cooling, no alternator [which recharges the battery], no power steering. It's like 6:18 am Eastern Pacific time, actually, this may be good because ... No traffic! We are calling AAA. They tell us to wait 30- 35 minutes

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The "dangerous snowstorm" my grandparents had warned us about had come. Several semi trucks are pulled to the side of the road. On sharp turns, the overloaded van has skidded a bit. I think this is fun driving. It is sort of a challenge but not that dangerous if you know how to drive in this slush. Gas milage probably suffers some due to the increased friction. My dad and I had laughed the "dangerous snowstorm" off. Perhaps there is some truth to the report I'd read saying males tend to be more risky or overconfident than females in this society.. Or genetically because of brai chemisty or a slower developing part of the brain that deals with sound judgement. Perhaps it was that we write off many of the warnings of our granparents/dad's parents because they "cry wolf" or just point out things we already know A lot.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Is the GRE offered at Truman? Grad schools accept these scores.
I have to learn about macros in Microsoft Excel if I want a job as a wholesaler for insurance. What is the best way to learn these

Apparently the near trapezoidal with pinched short sides usb charger connection fits the Garmin, Motorola RAZR, moto Q [and Cannon Camera to transfer images]. However, the Garmin does not function reliably with an off brand cell phone car charger that fits in the charging slot. Is there a standard voltage or wattage [does amperage matter?] that all these devices use so a universal charger can be used?

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Driving back home from New York.

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Is the difference the cost of the credit card fee? Are cash transactions actually written into the books and paid taxes on? Does someone go through however many gallons the company sold and figure the cash revenues by subtracting the credit card transactions to calculate profit tax and income tax. My dad says people from Avon, like a relative, can sometimes forget revenue tax. My dad says sales tax is due quarterly, March, June, September, December and each comes with a 15 day grace period, but that's it. Revenue tax is due any quarter you have a profit. Your quarterly tax return is called a "witholding". you mail a check to both the state and federal collection agencies. [what about local county and city tax?] Where is this simplified?

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I wonder what percentage of the people in my phone I would recocognize right now. I haven't talked or texted a majority of them in a long time. I hope they aren't thinking I am intentionally ignoring them. I should upload pictures for as many as I can to their contact info in Google Voice and maybe go through and call the ones I recognize. Maybe I should call the ones I don't recognize. The downside would be that some immature people without an understanding of the degrees of seperation concept may think or post on a blog or forum that I am a creeper for contacting them without having an existing relationship with them. the solution being.... Invite aquaintences to a party or gathering they can choose to attend without pressure. hmmm. Or when I meet someone, make it a habit to follow up within a few days to prevent the awkward "you aren't a friend, you are an aquaintance. Why are you
contacting me?" feeling . Is this the social expectation?

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This guy was banging on the door of Payless on Long Island from 8:52 pm to 8:56 when I showed up. The sign says they are open until 9:00 pm. He had been at another Payless half an hour prior and was sent to this location. That location had called ahead letting them know they would be by to pick up the shoes. Well these employees closed early and ignored his knocking for several minutes after he had driven half an hour out of his way. After all the knocking while they were counting money, he yelled that he was the one they had called to hold the shoes for. One of the hispanic ladies finally opened the door and told him he could pick them up tomorrow. He basically used words to stick his foot in the door she was trying to still close. He forcefully said that he had the store call over to hold the shoes and then drove half an hour out of his way and didn't want to do it again. She finally
let them in at 8:57-8 pm. If a customer wants to buy something and lifetime customer value is unders

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Marzipan is made of almond paste and sugar. It is so sweet I like it but can't handle it at the same time.

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Some locals said the plays to see were 39 Steps, Lion King and Jerzey Boys (about 4 seasons music group). I asked while we were waiting in line in Avery Fischer Hall for rehearsal tickets to see the New York Philharmonic orchestra.

We took a bus (26 or 27 works) to the 7 train station on a transfer on the metro cards that were purchased in advance. Some of the ads and things I saw were fun and or interesting.

Did Patrick Swayze's death impact sales of his christmas movie? Is it usually true that when a star dies, their movies, songs, and news articles sell in a surge? Is that what happened to Michael Jackson when he died? I thought I had talked to a store owner and they said they were stocking a lot of Michael Jackson CDs, books, and magazines.

Is it bad to have a seasonal movie if it isn't designed to become a classic? Patrick Swayze made "Christmas in Wonderland", but I had never heard anything about it. I'd thought I would have since he was so popular as an actor from Dirty Dancing. It wasn't a great movie. Some of the product placement, like the PSP, XBox 360, and iMac were really obvious and almost distracting for the game systems. The girl, Charlie, played a role of a hot ditzy blonde with a valley girl voice. That should be eliminated as an ideal girl from movies. The line "Maybe we will find them (missing siblings) at Orange Julius." and the guy thinks about it, then gets that she really wants to just eat with him. The guy didn't do anything worth getting a girl. he didn't display a fun, loving attitude, fiscal responsibility, intelligence, or even look like he took care of himself. He was kind of a downer. That was not well written.

According to these workers, to make a New York bagel, you mix the dough, then form rings with the dough and then refrigerate the dough for a day. Then boil them for a while. (Not sure how long). Next, bake them in an oven. Once they are out, then add any toppings. Sell for About $.50 a bagel when bought by the dozen. Cream cheese here starts as plain and stuff is mixed in. Lox, a fish Jewish people here in New York like, is mixed with the cream cheese and charge an 66% cream cheese price premium. Instead of 6$ per pound of cream cheese, it is $10 if it is cream cheese with some lox mixed in.
Ok, I asked if we could get a liter of aloe vera juice for $2.50 at one of the shops in the complex while we were getting the tour from Kenny. I do spend money on novel things sometimes. I think life is about the experiences you have. Routine things get boring for me at this time of my life, at least in theory. School is kind of routine, but I make it interesting by going to the spontaneous events and comedians on campus.

I see some people that do not look like they make much money in this complex. Knowing how much it costs to live there, it makes me think about or wonder if it is a good idea to buy a house anticipating rising or steady real estate values, taking out a long payment period (is 30 years the standard or the longest allowable period of time companies offer?) and paying as close to interest only for the few years someone / I live in the place, then sell it for about the same or more that it was bought for- in order to have an inexpensive way of living somewhere. How much does it cost to list and pay for closing fees?
We got to visit one of my dad's friends, Kenny. He lives in a huge complex that looks like three hotel towers. The property has its own zip code: 11005. It is made of townhouse/apartment like- co-operatives with 1600 co-ops (~3000 people). According to him, a co-op is when people buy their apartments (the size of a suite in a hotel) in the complex for a mortgage of about $250,000 for a 2 room suite with kitcken and shower. On top of that, residents must spend about $13,000 in taxes and maintenance fees each year. The mortgage is probably $3,600 a month for a 30 year meaning you need to make.... Yeah, welcome to New York. There are so many people in such a small location that politicans lobby at this complex.
My grandma got a "how to do taxes" panthlet in the mail from Thrivent she wants to give me. Smart on her part. how do I do taxes? What does it involve? Of what and how do I keep records? I know some things but don't feel I know enough. What additional work needs to be done when earning 1099 income? If someone pays cash for me doing something, how do I pay income tax on that?

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Also, the floors will be designed in a way that if there is a flood or waterbed type spill, the floor will direct the liquid to an appropriate place in each room. A fire pole from floor to floor/ basement would be cool. Cable tv jacks will be in every room in a location suited for a tv, not where a dresser would hide it. Cooling and heating would have to be energy efficiant... How?

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A house I'd build would take many things into consideration. All doorways will be scooter and wheel chair accessable. [for guests or if a leg gets broken. Hallways, if any, will not cause you be claustriphobic. light switch locations will have consistency and logic.

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My mom thinks that without religion there is not an established moral guidline for a country to be run, a precidence or core belief that laws are written to adhere to while adressing whatever issues are occuring. This makes me think about how bloated lawbooks get after time the longer a country is in existance. Old laws are rarely dismissed, but rather kept and unenforced- there is a site or something that has a bunch of old laws to address issues not applicable anymore, such as "it is illegal to tie your horse at the post office" type stuff. To fix this, what if laws were written with exxpiration dates and would need to be revoted on after a set perid of time. Some may need to be dismissed in phases and announded ahead of time, such as ones dealing with retirement or money or taxation

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My grandma is hunched over and so inflexible and overweight that she needs help moving everywhere and yells when she needs assistance getting up so she can hobble over to the next room. If she can't see someone coming to help her within about 30 seconds, she gets understandably, though not acceptably in my mind, frustrated

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Tires were solid until a Dunlop put an innertube in them.

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Florie and douglas died around 07
Relatives in leitrum in county cabin Ireland. It's where edy, walter's wife was. He's single. Walter is 80. Ian is Kieth's cousin, and is 45? Nevel lives in Oakland and doneygal in North Ireland- surfing town. Douglas ... Not Dunlop, chuck's cousin, lived in castle, outhouse, he went broke when sheep all died. Florie is joe's older sister and had a pig farm with huge pigs. Hazel lives in doublin

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gamestop in New York was crazy busy. My brother was exchanging some games (for full value since he had played and beaten them within the return/exchange period -about 8 days). It made me think about the length a game a manufacturer would design a game to be able to be beaten in as to not run into the buy and return/exchange thing my brother, and undoubtedly other people, did/do. But really, is it the manufacturer or the retailer that would have to deal with this issue? In a theoretical world, the manufacture games however they figured would be bought by retailers. Retailers would buy things they thought consumers would buy from them. (What happens to games and systems that do not sell well? Do they go on discount? Are they returned? are they destroyed like surplus shoes are?) If this buy, exchange, exchange, exchange and finally end up with some games thing does happen on a noticeable scale, it would make sense for the retailer to see that there are a lot of unprofitable game exchanges going on and that a lot of games are going out new and in used... right? The $6 premium (or so) is quite a bit when multiplied by the national volume of sales. The trade in value, probably $2 a game is also lost.

So the retailer may determine that a median or average return period is 6-10 days and that the return policy is a week and exchange

My brother thinks that if Game Stop realizes that people are doing this, they will crack down on it. I think that that they already know, but have chosen not to act as this may be a competitive advantage. People think they will do this, but, like mail in rebates, they forget and pay full price. So in essence, it may be possible that Game Stop gains more money by allowing the few people (percentage wise) that do this go ahead and do it because the more games they play, the more games they will advertise. They will be "the masters" and will all recommend Game Stop. Ok. That may be far fetched.

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You don't really think of Asians in North Face jackets as the typical person carrying empty soda cans around. Maybe she worked at a restraunt and is frugal, perhaps even eco friendly, by disposing of them at a reycling center to get deposits back. Hmm.

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Are airline ads That say "new york's most global airline" effective? with the use of priceline and fare comparison sites, I think Delta should be more concerned with differentiation when listed among other airlines. Why fly Delta when looking at fares at orbitz.Com? Delta is rarely the least expensive from my experience. Most airlines have frequent flier miles. Why would I fly Delta? Trust? oh, if frequent flier miles can be used for more International destinations than competitors, that would be good to emphasize. " reward yourself. REDEEM delta frequent flier miles to more International destinations than... " Or something like that.

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I measure 15.75 Inches tight neck and 33 length arm. Dad is 32 inch arms 17.25 neck tight.
We're at another Brooks Brothers. The exchange here is left to the store manager. The employee says Lands end was based on them for customer returns and replacement, but it was abused. This manager

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Lars said to couchsurfing.Com ..Ish to stay in Euroep
There aren't really many bathrooms immediately identifyable in New York [ or Washinton DC] . In the smaller store parts of NCY, the shops don't have bathrooms. So... What do you do if you've been holding it... [don't say hold it]. Whose responsibility should it be? Should bathrooms be privatized? Are they already? Like milk, Mc4onalds here has the bathroom in the way back, and it is perpetually locked. Someone would think someone was in there and wait... While looking at the menu. Good luck, the door is magnetically locked. An employee has to buzz you in. That isn't normal where I am rom unless you are in DPS. But like milk in a rocery store, McDonalds makes you walk past things you don't intend to buy, making the likliness you purchase something, or that the people you are with purchase something

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Who is / should be responsible for public watse?
Is lying a social standard To avoid awkward conversation topics? Is this because of roots in very closed proper formalities and concepts of appropriate dialoge? Like when a young couple is staying at a hotel after not seeing each other for a long time and they are not picking up their cell phones, if you ask why they didn't answer, "my battery was dead" is a likely response. Is this a truth, lie, half truth, omission of the truth, and/ or an avoidance of a socially unacceptable topic? Is that the proper thing to say in the culture with taboos that are done anyway? if something doesn't make sense and would require a lot of additional explanation, do you simplify it with an equivalent explanation that is not completely accurate so that valuable time is focused on the intended topic?

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Should the media report on isolated incidents of domestic violence? Does Charlie Sheen threatening his wife do anyone any benefit? Problem w free ress for profit may be that what consmers demand may not be the most beneficial for the people. My hands sre froen

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it would be nice if a list was compiled, or a search function database was created to compare return policies of companies. Brooks Brothers clothing is accross the street from avery Fisher Hall (I think). My dad had brought shirts to exchange after being told he could exchange it for an equal priced shirt by the corperate office. When we got here, the Manager that had been tthere for 12 years said that its value was $0 because it was over a year old and discontinued, so it would have been marked down and down. Wow. That implies no inventory over a year or two old. Two years bc it was probably on clearance when he bought it.

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