Thursday, September 29, 2016

What I'd like in a phone 2015

A while ago I posted what I thought a phone should have. Without looking at that post, I wan to write one again.

Camera that can take a clear picture despite having it taken by someone with shakey hands.

Water resistance ip67 or ip68 (or free/cheap replacement program) - I may be paying extra for peace of mind, but I get caught in the rain with my phone every so often.

Removable battery 2800 mAh or greater for a 5" phone (ideally 3500)

Either SDXC card slot or affordable internal storage at 64GB, though ideally 128 GB. *My S5 just had a 64GB SanDisk card go bad and a 32GB one died in my S3 a few years ago. I currently use about 60 GB. As apps get larger, more local space will be needed for use in no data areas.

A louder speaker phone for calls and music than the S5

Screen size variants for small handed people (~4" screen), people with large hands (~5" screen), and phablet size with similar specs (~5.7). 720p is fine for the 4-5" variants. 1080 is fine for 5-5.7". Much more just burns battery.

Strong, unlikely to break screen. Maybe make it thicker with the current Gorilla glass instead of thinner with the newest glass. Cracks are more common that scratches

A screen that has low battery draw.

Software that has low power drain options. (Maybe greyscale, only allow certain apps to recieve data, like google hangouts, a web browser, text, calling-like Samsung)

Rapid OS patches and updates (for security reasons)

Shock resistant

A way to use the screen if the screen is wet (in the rain on a wet phone)

fingerprint reader for fast unlocking

current bluetooth platform to work well with car stereos

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