Monday, May 31, 2010

Take water shoes, tennis shoes, long pants, mosqito repellent, rain jacket, warm clothes, swim suit,

How to transfer updatable Mac files to a PC

In short, back up the entire mac hard drive to a readable bootable backup partition created by the program SuperDuper on an external USB hard drive. (It's what I have available. You may also be able to do this through a network drive as well.) Unlike Time Machine, SuperDuper backups allow users to read individual files from the backup using any computer that can read HFS+ partitions. Expect it to takes ~3 hours to backup ~260GB.

Then install MacDrive on the PC. This trialware allows Windows to read and write to Mac's HFS+ partitions. When my Mac backup is finished, you can eject the external backup disk, connect the external backup disk to my windows machine, and MacDrive will allow you to read all of my files. Granted, I have to find all my files in their folders first.

I wonder if MacDrive will allow indexing on HFS+ drives to easily find files. A music and picture program can probably search the drive and add the files by reading them off of your external hard drive, or locally copy them to your Windows hard drive. You can probably edit the settings in the programs to behave as you'd like.

Possible issues: MacDrive and SuperDuper are not free. I haven't tested copying a SuperDuper backup to a laptop hard drive as the primary OS yet. Not competely sure what to do about Bootcamp partitions. (I'd guess you could safely create a seperate partition for the bootcamp partition and restore it to a different partition you made as well. You may have to reactivate it though due to the hardware change (if there is one).

---------------- Details, thoughts, additional info-----------

While I like my unibody macbook 2.4 Ghz with 4 GB ram, 320 GB hard drive at 7200 RPM and GeForce 9400m video card, the core i5 and i7 processors were a bit of a draw. I would still get applications not responding and slower than desirable load times for applications. So I thought about making a hackbook out of a core i5 notebook. But I got greedy and decided to go for a dedicated video card. I bought a 14" Dell Studio with the i5-520 processor, 512 MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD4530 video card (which doesn't seem compatable with hackintosh software yet... boo), 6 GB or ram, Dell wireless N, Bluetooth, baacklit keyboard, slot loading DVD-RW drive, and SRS Premium Sound. Basically, the hardware is better or equal to than the macbook in every way. It does have a Boston Red Sox logo built into the top case... but I picked it up for less than $800. Used 13" unibody MacBook with core 2 duos are selling for between $600 and $1050 on eBay, usually around $850-$950. The lid is what hurts the resale value though.

Anyway, I had to come up with a way to get my 300GB of files on my macbook (well 100 GB of pics and original movies and about 50 GB of documents.... the rest being media and application files I believe) available to my Windows computer. If it was only a few key files, a flash drive would work. However, since flash drives are formatted in FAT32, they supposedly can't store single files larger than 1 GB. Fat32 is readable on both Mac (HFS+) and Windows (NTFS). Mac may be able to read from Windows Disks, but may have trouble writing to them. Things are changing though. If you use bootcamp or parallels, you may be able to get around it. If you wanted to copy files from your mac to a drive readable by Windows, you could have a NTFS formatted external hard drive and copy files from your mac drive (HFS+) with parallels open since parallels lets you read (maybe write) from HFS and write to NTFS.

However when you use a drive like this, you can not update it easily.

My solution was to use superduper ( to make a BOOTABLE BACKUP COPY of the entire Mac hard drive. Unlike time machine it makes backups bootable from USB ports. So after you make a bootable backup to a USB drive, you can turn on ANY macbook you want... maybe even a hackbook..., hold the "option" key while booting, and the backup will be one of the available hard drives to boot from. Superduper will also allow you to read (maybe write) files from the backup when it is attached as an external hard drive- unlike time machine which has everything indexed/ encrypted.

I need to figure this out a little better, but I think the superduper backup is seperate from the time machine backup. I had 360GB allocated for a time machine backup. I was using about 250GB for the existing time machine backups. I had about 110GB left for what I thought was going to be SuperDuper's small supplement to the time machine backup. But after nearly 2 hours, it said the backup disk was full. So I formatted the 360GB backup (removing my time machine backup) and did a superduper "backup all files" from my primary macbook drive (leaving out my Windows bootcamp because I didn't know how to do both drives and the files on it weren't important). SuperDuper created a backup that was not time machine compatible, but was compatible with superduper continuous backup. I am curious how to get the superduper backup onto a new laptop hard drive. It looks like the superduper interface allows you to copy the disk drive you saved your backup to to another disk drive. So if you had a mac with a blank hard drive you wanted to restore/ copy your superduper backup to, you would boot the computer with the external hard drive with the superduper backup on it and hold the "option" key. Then you would boot from the superduper backup drive instead of the blank laptop drive. Then you would open the superduper interface and copy (maybe after formatting the laptop drive) the superduper backup to the laptop hard drive. Even if that doesn't work, you can still get all your files because the backups are readable.

A superduper backup of about 270ish GB of info on a 320GB 7200RPM drive took about 3 hours and ten minutes when using the USB 2.0 onto an older PATA 7200rpm 500GB external hard drive.

So for my strategy of getting readable and updatable macbook files onto a windows hard drive is to use Superduper to create the readable and updatable backup of the entire macbook drive. If I ever want to update files, restore my hard drive to a different macbook I get in the future, I can do it. On the Windows machine I'll install MacDrive 8. ( MacDrive is a program that allows Windows computers to both read and write to Mac's HFS+ disks. From what I've read, HFS+ disks are better than NTFS because they do not have to be defragmented. Linux also has a stable ext3 disk format, but since it is uncommon, you will have to download application files to read and write from it on both mac and Windows. I partition my external hard drive with at least 30% more space than my current usage since I'd like the option to update the superduper image in the future while maintaining the full operating system. I create another partition on the external hard drive and since I plan on copying large files here and leaving them off the main backup. I create the separate partition using Mac's disk utility. I can choose to make it FAT32 (bad for large files), NTFS (probably OK... but you may need to download a special NTFS writer driver or be in parallels or boot camp to write to it from a Mac. It will be easy for Windows to read the files without MacDrive, which is nice. However, it may need to have the disk defragmenter run on it eventually. You would create the NTFS partition by using Mac's disk utility to create any type of formatted drive. Then you would connect the hard drive to a Windows machine and right click on "computer", click on "manage", then "Storage", then "disk management". From there you could reformat the drive to NTFS by formatting it- erasing all the data- and coding the drive to be read in the NTFS style naturally compatible with Windows.
Another idea is to format it as HFS+ and rely on MacDrive on your Windows machine to allow you to read and write from this partition. MacDrive is not free though. The HFS+ partition will be easily readable and writable from any mac. I'm going with this option since I have macdrive installed. There is a 5 day free trial period.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Two hispanic guys passed out outside Harry's in stl. $10 cover...Eh. Not my thing.

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Mcgirck's , dante's

These ladies met another lady with a younger daughter and tried opening the latch. After trying for 30 seconds, they gave up and passed the girl over the fence and the mom walked away.

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Wow. Better hope the line gets longer for Thunder River at six flags

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Big brothers big sisters tip- the first few things you do will set the expectations for the future. So don't do big things that involve money at first. It you take them out for ice cream, they may expect you to do that often For them and it may not be good for your wallet.

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

I wonder how this cheap stuff compares to pills

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People say and do things to get what they want. You may be able to tell what someone wants by what they say and do. If I brag, I may be looking for recognition of my accomplishments. If someone lies, they may be looking for what they are lying to get. If they are honest, they may want to have a clear conscious knowing that your actions are informed decisions. Maye they withold infor because they have a bad past that is behind them they hope. Look and see if you can tell what someone wants by what they say and do. See how close you get. Obviously, if anticipated you can become manipulated into believing something they want you to believe. Maybe it isn't a bad thing. Maybe it is.

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Don't hold someone to standards they did not explictly agree to. Commo sense is relative spell things out. But really, the fewer the expectations, the more comfortable they will hopefully feel around you. I suppose this is in reference to putting restrictions on someone in their explorer phase when you instead value stabilty... Somehow translating that into don't do with other people what I do to you Because I want stability... [despite your want for discovery... I want what I want/ I think I deserve....[why?]] Also, don't do anything that upsets your concience. respect other people not acting because of their conscience. don't make them do something they will regret to themselves.

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Interested in later in life. If you play on the safe side, you become "the friend" who won't ever become more. If you go for it, you'll eventually break up and become that person's "ex" and be labeled as it. If you're the friends with benefits, you may fulfill desires and what not, but risk being labeled as someone that can not commit. If you have a monogomous dating relationship, you may get some respect from those looking for that [when they decide they want it], but off the market when they are available or on the market when they aren't. It kind of feels like, theoetically, you can potentially miss what you are looking for no matter what you do. For now, stick to these rules. Don't lead someone on to Believing you may soon be ready for something you will likely not be soon ready for. Define your relationship and expectations. If they don't match, both of you should have the comon
sence to agree to meet up later in life when ready. Real people take precidence over virtual people.

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We have different expectations right now. From what I understand, you want [something] and I want [something else]. The timing just isn't coordinated and I feel [unable to... Feel secure/ know I am doing what is best for me]. Would you be open to taking a break? [so like don't do this if you don't plan on coming back to fill their needs. Most girls will feel mad at themselves if they feel "used" physically without their needs being met. Being "involved" is a two way street. If one isn't moving to make it meet, there is starin on the other person, even if they decided to start from a much further distance than you wanted to go. It feels like they traveled a few miles back and then said, let's meet at the middle. If that's not your thing, don't get invoved. Stay a friend/ aquaintence. Remember, no one can keep a secret. So play life like that. You may let it slip in casual conversation.
An impression is formed about you. The other person may tell close friends that you may be more intere

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But what is an ideal relationship? That depends on what phase of life and mentality you are in. Are you both at the exploring phase, spending one on one time with various other people so you develop an understanding of what is out there? are you in the "I value stability" stage - stability meaning, no other person from my gender can do the same things I do to you stage? This seems to be brought in the picture a little early in my opinion. Expectations like that before the exploring stage will deprive certain personality types of the order they have to go through to make sese of the world. They understand there is uncertainty and want to limit it with experience. Sope people don't believe they need experience, they just need stability in another person. Break that and bye bye- regardless of your needs. People evaluate you based on their perceptions of expectations. And these are not
universal which makes dating/ relationships so confusing. Realize you may need to say, "I like you, but

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Communicate with them as much as they feel you should. If it is too much for you, write them off as high maintenace for you. Not having agreed upon expectaions seems to be what hurts people. don't try to hurt people. "using" someone is too vague. You can use someone for whatever "selfish" [referring to john stossel's report on greed] reason you have. Traditionally I think it means for in bed relations. But I feel it extends to more than that. Jim "uses" Mary for his manly release. Mary lets him because she [greedily] wants someone she feels is strong, that she can [potentially] talk to when things get rough for her, that she can rely on being ther for her [almost every night].... Coinsidence... Well he's there close to her almost every night... So isn't he there for her? Maybe not for the same reason... he may expect her to be low maintenance and applauds her for it... She smiles and
then keeps her emotional talk inside, hoping to not disrupt his idea of her being the perfect girl.

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Of course this isn't fool proof eithr because people lie and change. If your dream girl came up to you and asked if you wanted to "just fool around" or be "friends with benefits" because she's not ready for a real relationship yet, you'd probably say yes despite your desire to have a real relationship with her. Girls probably go through this more often than guys due to our cultural expectations and media right now. But doing this can emotionally scar someone. If one person gets scarred, the other may get scarred as well knowing they caused someone else to get hurt. So what do you do if someone says, "want to be friends with benefits?" maybe add "only if there is a good chance that if we hit it off that within [time frame] you'd make it a relationship meaning [conditions]." if it's more than the other person can agree to, then you've met them at the wrong point in their life. but agree
to something. Define what you have so something doesn't happen either of you aren't prepared for.

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It can be because you feel you don't know enough about the other people out threr. You're afraid the perfect someone will come along days after you commit to a "pretty good fit". That terrifies me and has since high school if not earlier. One way to avoid this is to only get in relatioships that have an understandable termination date. It's easy if you know at least one of you will be relocating in a few months. Then, later in life you can potentially get back together... Unless someone else takes them... So maybe talk regularly and keep them aware of potential interest. However, leading someone on that you do not expect to be in a relationship BY WHATEVER HIDDEN STANDARDS THEY HAVE, especially to the point where they start to voluntarily have you in mind during their decision making is terrible since you give them false hope and it affecter their life in a negative way. You're at fault
. So be upfront about what you are looking for now and what you think you will be looking for later.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Then you may miss out on someone that instead prioritizing the wants of others [you] before anything else. So instead of conversations that are interesting, but spoken and forgotten, you get someone that takes you on trips you've been wanting to go on, do activities you've wanted to do, and plans the experiences you will remember. You may miss out on things you don't expect if you only "date" people you think you'll like. If someone likes you and there is a good chance you can more than stand them, why not give them a chance? You never know what will surprise you. Ok you do know what may happen, but not what will happen all the time. See if you're right. But remember the "self-fulfilling prophesy rule. If you think an outcome will happen, your mindset will be set on it and your body language, word choice, voice inflection and confidence will reflect your expectations. The problem is,
what if you find a girl that may be the right one and you're not sure if she is yet?

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And just says "I know you're the right one for me" before he is truely sure.... Or he reaches a commonly agreed upon age of 27 first... Then I loose. Rats. Relationship stuff is tough for me. I try to do it logically. But often what I think is right for me, and that I base all my hopes on, isn't actually what I think is best when it comes to living it. For example, say I believe I have to have a girl at least as smart as me or that thinks the same way.

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I may obsess over her until I find out something about her that cancels her. Her having a boy friend isn't one. If she's right, I can wait/ come back later when I am better prepared. But how do I become better prepared? One suggested idea was to be in a relationship and "see how you do". The key to that thoug is having been in a relationship with someone similar in expectations, mentality and or behaviors to her before. So should you be in relationships with all these different types of peiple just for the "experience"? It depends on if that is fair to the other person. Maybe they are the one. In my mind, if so, i'll come back when I'm 2g-27 if she's not taken and I can confidenlt sahy "I am sure you are for me" AND MEAN IT.... Because by then, hopefully I have tried different things and know what is best for me, know what to do and not to do. Obvious is a relative term I've found. But
I risk loosing the right girl to a guy that recognizes a good thing for him, perhaps not the best

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Part of me thinks I should sopontaneously become an "expert" in a little explored field. Write a bunch of papers and be interviewed by magazines about my success. I'd be paid to talk about my work and explain something I am interested in. I could totally be a public speaker if it was on a topic I knew very well. I have the facial expressions and voice inflections I picked up from my dad, the logic and flow I personally like to see in presentations, key ideas to point out. Etc. I just saw "up in the air" and it causes me to think. I can't fall asleep. I think about the day I planned for LS and how it went and if amd how I could follow up. I wonder at what age I should consider marriage... I'm still defaulting to 27. I still don't think I am able to say "you're the one" and mean it unless I meet more people that are viable candidates and rule them out. If I develop a crush on someone,
generally someone I believe is better than me, is the perfect girl by one of my defenitions...

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Organic vs non organic vs who knows what is going on with the price.

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Trane's bonuses are taxed at 25%... Details not known. A person won a raffle at work for a bike. Because she kept it, she had to pay $40 tax for it. Suggested that corperate gifts over $50 need to be reported. I wonder if that is total per quarter or per gift. Can you get 20 x $49 gift cards and not report it?

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With an attacker with a stick, when the stick is stationary, control the close weaponized arm and attack with your other arm or knee until they are down. If you intend to kill, have knife in right hand behind you. Grab their right hand with your left hand. then take your knifed hand and stab their neck. Three inches long will pierce the cerebral cortex. To block, you need to instictively know to block the knifed arm and escape. Maybe pivit on right foot, kick with left as you twist your grasped right hand to the outside. We were shown how if someone grabs hair, you grab their hand with both your hands. kick groin, pull forward, grab fingers and pull fingers apart. One guy was about to be put to death. just had loin cloth on. He pees in loin cloth, throws it over a 10 ft wall. It sticks, and get climbs over to escape.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Self propelled car

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These are American cases according to the vet. So preventative treatments are important.

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I didn't realize how prevalent aids was.

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Shots go under the skin, not in blood stream. Ear wax should be looked under a microscope for ear mites. The vet said they look like little aliens.

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Distempur - common name for vaccinations that prevent upper respirtory sicknesses.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Odds being...?

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I found some "wafer sliced beef" that looked lke philly cheese steak type meat. I hadn't made it before. So I read the directions!

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Mark 6:3 "is this not the carpenter, son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?"... So Mary had other kids. "A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household. And he could do no mighty works there." What does this part mean? Family may not respect you or distract you?

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tc and I rented "Bundy: a legacy of evil". Keith Jakle recomended it in the self defence class last wednesday. He was sometimes a tad dramatic. "if you are caught from behind, you are dead.""if someone is in your house and wants to rape and kill you and you aren't expecting anything, you have a 5% chance of not getting raped and murdered."

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Thinner metal wheels with less spokes cost more to manufacture but less spokes is more aerodynamic. The wheels with only a thin strip of rubber are most aerodynamic,

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20 degree extended leg on pedalling as bike. Measure frame from center on pedal to top of seat tube- 15", 17"...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Uncle Sam's... Army surplus store... Get it? I choose you... Oh? That's pokemon too.

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Well, you won't get wet

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Worth $7.50

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Tc noticed the sign "dance", but it is so generic, it can mean whatever

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Corpse at an irish wake!

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This was made by Todd's grandma. I'd like to learn how to make those roses!

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Raymond james- financial firm w merger positions

The caterer for tr's burned the entire bag of charcoal. I've never seen that done before, but it makes sense for large grills.

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How does this work? I can only shift in one direction.

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This blue is close to the wolverine bluem but the can says to apply 7-metal converter before applying. This says it is a finish. Does that mean it is just for looks? I don't see anything about preventing rust.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

I feel a little better about it now that I blended the yellow and blue a little better and made green. I wonder it if would look good with the front bottom also yellow or green

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Booo. Rustoleum blue isn't as dark as I hoped it would be. For some reason, I don't think this light blue is as appealing to a guy as the dark blue on the wolverine. Live and learn. Maybe I should have gone all black. I liked the color scheme on the wolverine and tried to mimic it. Oh well, maybe it's less likely to be stolen. In some areas I'd think I attract condesending looks. I'm glad I did it. The rustoleum coats will help prevent rust

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Like the original color? It's a huffy

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This is the first time I remember ever using primer

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

road bike shifters

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Ted bundy - horrifying film. Cross cut belly, stb throught.
June 16, citypplace 1- seminr about staying in business about 5:30
Vxs- anti s and p and master limited partnership for pipelines and ice breakers that operate outside of the market.
Families can insure get enough money to spend down until inc
Bruce ward says you can't buy too much life insurance. Companies will not underwite that because you are too much of a liability.
I checked to see what colors of sticky wrap were available. There was the purple [That I thought was navy blue], bright lime green, and a very small roll of a light blue that almost perfectly matched my shirt. Take it as you will. Although perhaps not applicable in this case, don't irritate waitresses, cooks, or people that draw your blood. They can get at you in subtle ways if they choose to. On COPS there was a fast food manager that laughed on tv about spitting in people's food. So be the last person in a closing resturaunt at your own risk.

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A guy drew my blood. I asked about what kind of certifications you needed to draw blood. Then he wrapped it up. I thought it was navy blue and kind of matched my shirt. My sister asked if I picked the color. I said no, but he matched it up pretty well with the blue arm band and blue shirt. She giggled and said it was purple. I wonder if he was also colorblind or if he did it because of the availability of colors or as his way of spiting me... Purple on a guy is traditionally not good. I got made fun of in grade school for wearing purple shirts I thought were blue. To check and see if it was perhaps deliberate, I. Wow. I am 177 Lbs and 5'7 3/4. blood pressure 120/86. I weighed 156 last year at my physical... And 152 since sophomore year of high school. I don't look different though. I still have visible abs and my clothes from high school still fit. Granted, except for that 8 mile bike
ride a few days ago, I'm not as active as I used to be, but 20 lbs! I feel like a girl stereotype.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It was streamed in with overly loud music

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Ltdanriordan.Com a scholarship for vianney high school
Taps, good grief - organizations that help families of the fallen
Schwan's does a lot. I wonder if this camp was done by them. The families get a year of free ice cream delivered. Schwan's also gives money to the LCMS. Schwansjobs.Com was a plug here. Schwan's pulled funding when dr. Wallace Schultz was pulled off the air after he, as the Lutheran Hour speaker, denounced on air the actions of Dr. Benke who participated in the multireligion prayer service september 2001 with operah winfrey. I got to talk with Dr. Benke who was getting a lot of mixed responses for his participation. I was able to see both arguments but.. Hmm. oh, they had a live drawing for the texting truck contest.

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Is it someone's place to break the truth to another person who gains strength from something that is not true? Heros, how someone died their error vs mechanical error. I saw a "seconds from disaster" documentary which was awesome. A plane's left engine started sparking and rattling the plane. The passengers did not tell the pilots which engine was bad. The pilots misdiagnosed which engine was bad and shut down the right engine... But the plane stopped shuddering. It turns out it stopped shuddering because the cruise control was taken off and manual control put on. The manual control put a more normal amount of fuel into the engine which was spinning slower than normal due to a broken fan blade. But a perfectly good engine was shut down and 37ish peple died in the crash landing. Are the pilots heros that misread instruments heroes? Are military personell that commit suicide heroes? Is
hero just a word you tell someone a loved one is to make them feel better and have a good memory of

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Product placement. Mazda, swans... A shwans truck was put against a mazda. That was hillarious!
To: 86535
FWD: You are entered to win a 2011 Ford F250! Thx for supporting Sons of the Fallen & $0.99 billed to your phone bill. Msg&data rates may apply

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There was one boy whose dad had committed suicide. It was commented that he was very mature. He also had people time him in the amount of time it took for him to get to the top of the hourglass structure 37.5 seconds. I would be that guy.

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What is a hero? A person that dies while employed by the military? I think it should be more esteemed. But what do you tell kids that whose fathers died? we think we figured it out. The interviews with the kids are briadcasted live. The clips of the mothers and certain scenes at camp were prerecorded. This is probably intended as a feel good relatable thing for parents who are going through a loss. I am probably not the best person to watch with. I talk and ask questions and have commentary. Some people may be in mourning. Yes, I just commented on the bright yellow and blue plastic high top shoes one of the boys has.

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One tank driver drowned when a capatin had the tank run over a fire a few times to put it out, then go off to the side... And there was a canal there. The tank fell into the canal...I guess upside down, and it took 15 minutes for them to drown. I thought tanks were tested for being underwater... I saw it on tv. The actors were not trained on what to say or not say. Apparently you do not tell a son he is the "man of the house" because it puts a 12 year old on the same level as his mother, so he becomes challenging and argumentative instead of submissive.

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My dad thinks this is a streamed. There was a comment that it was streamed for everyone In the movie. it's just a movie about boys of fallen soldiers with 3 movie stars at a camp with standard activities not everyone has the chance to do. Things like tomahawk throwing, rock climbing, etc. I didn't recognize the actors. One of them I may have seen on the Disney channel. These people were picked because they were anticipated to be role models for the kids. But really, who should be role models? Actors that memorize lines written by screenwriters? Sports players that play a game? Seriously, is that the wHat makes someone a role model? Someone whose face you recognize and associate good feelings with? I am also wondering what camera they are using to film this. Also, if this is being transmitted wirelessly.

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We thought we would have a good chance of winning since we were the only people in the theater. After sending the message, it then told us that $.99 was going to be chraged to our cell phne accounts. That is not good practice. That is deceptive and lack of disclosure. A widow said to watch "The great santini"

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Food inc. And food play - michael polland. Omnivore's dilema
Food service gets $.35 from govt. Prices set by school district. Chartwells, compass group affiliate. Canteen does vending, morrisons healthcare, do jails, scottstrade, umsl, slu, washu, st? Charles.8layton, ladue,. Some school districts keep food service i house. Labor may be more costly. Foodservice staff don't get bonuses w this company. But an in house lunch lady will generally get bonuses and cost more. Usda buys surplus food from farmers. Illinois. Only 1% of corn was edible.

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Job search stuff

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Job agencies temp stuff

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Benny is one of the security guards at Schnucks. Apparently he is good at remembering names.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Building a rat trap car! Whoo hoo!

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I like this shirt, but there aren't any fitting rooms. The medium seems short

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To catch water from a leaky ceiling. Discrete. Esther noticed it at Sams

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Each prophet had a story of an adversity they had to overcome
Church provides belonging to people. Some do better in larger, some in smaller congergations. In his rural church, some people were so into family, it was hard to be a visitor.... Lack of meaning is often accompanied by depression of all levels. Get out and exercise and eat right! Journal a plan and journal what you should do. Each day, do something nice for someone else.Break the cycle. Get up and take a shower for yourself. Then get out and walk and see someone. Make new connections. Prevent disorders. Leave your house!

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Bible verses keep a lot of people going, especially older ladies. "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength". It does help because other people will support us if they kknow the same verse. - cf walther, almost resigbed from the ministry. Had depression, he was forced to take a break by friends instead of him resigning. Friends helped. He gained a new perspective and was able to realize his "melencholy". It is good to see what happens to other people and see how they responded to things. & should get a collection of how people deal with issues I face to better decide what I should do- like a book, maybe do the choose your own adventureidea I had.

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Hardship and suffring is as normal as joy and happiness. You can do things to reduce both, but it is hard to eliminate hardship. You can eliminate happiness based on your fear or stress or expectations.

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Vocations are one way of serving others. So you can have meaning through what you do for others. We are called to be outwardly focused. Galations. Love is the fulfillment of the law. You are your own expert. Use instruments to target where you have skills and talents. Commuity colleges have places to find likes and dislikes / gifts. See what obsticles you have- health, finances...

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Identity as spouse, parent, child, work... Some parents put so much of their purpose on parenting. But children don't want you to be controlling. How do you have purpose then?

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Counseling -if done through insurance- goes on medical record and a mentall illness has to be assigned. So don't go through insurance. Normal people struggle with finding meaning.

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Man's search for meaning - frankle- logotherpy.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

This is my favorite meatloaf recipe to date! We toast wheat bread for the crumbs and substitute ground turkey for beef. I eat between a quarter and 3/4 of it. Only now did I associate ground turkey with tryptophan [sic]. Nap time! Oh man, that was good...

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My favorite meatloaf recipe to date! We use ground turkey instead because it has less saturated fat.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

What color is your parachute?
How to spot a liar-
Ken blancher
Raving fans
Bni stl
Edward jones -rdp program-jenna dempsey -rotational program
Audible.Com - sales tips, brian tracy, napoleon hill "think and grow rich",

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Slingshot hot dog?

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Monday, May 10, 2010

X200 tablet with extended battery- used in dr office

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