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Sunday, January 31, 2010
"The nail that sticks out gets hammered" - Japanese saying. Is Japan a collectivist or individualist culture?
Why'd you let me race with your car? You knew I'd wreck it?- Why Not? It's a lot of money. I have money. .... What I don;t have is a lot of people that I can trust and have character. You know what kind of person you are by the people you choose to let around you."
-Who do I let around me? I'm glad I heard this.
I was watching an ITT Tech commercial, and the scenes that were shown were dramatized to appeal to an audience other than me... I realized that it was not targeting me. TO get something to work, have people from the target audience create the ad.
The drifting car race style is terrible for cars. The tires can't last long with the spinning out. The engines will have to have... Although probably not true, it could be theorized that aftermarket car part companies were behind the production of movies such as "The Fast and the Furious" series. There is reason for them to reach out and cause there to be an interest in upgraded cars.
In "Disturbia" there is a $12 daily incarceration fee for being under house arrest and wearing a leg monitor. 90 days x $12 = $1080 Assuming felons didn't give up hope and feel complete despair, how are they supposed to make money to pay for that? Are these things "rights" to all citizens regardless of their contribution? Kids don;t contribute much. Who should pay for them?
The product placement of X Box and iTunes is annoying. Twinkies... eh. It's not one that has been overdone.... well... actually it probably has. Zombieland had twinkies. Usally movies have Mac computers.... AHHH... this one does too!
What should felons do to pay for their expenses? What should happen to people who do not make enough money to cover their expenses of living? Food, shelter, medical expenses.. who should pay for it? What should happen to people that expect these things without doing something valuable enough to other people to make the money to buy them?
Things are more likely to happen when you go after them in a rational way as opposed to simply waiting for what you want to happen.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
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Friday, January 29, 2010
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Plenty of Fish Compatibility Predictor (CP) measures five broad relationship variables that are each essential for
building romantic relationships. People don't need to score "high" on each of these characteristics to be in a fulfilling
relationship. What's important is how your profile interacts with the profile of a potential romantic partner -- or what
is commonly called “chemistry.” Based on decades of empirical research in the social sciences, the CP captures the
five key ingredients that can determine whether or not two people have the “right” psychological chemistry. The
relationship variables are:
Self-Confidence, or the degree to which a person feels comfortable with him or herself. People that are high in
self-confidence tend to be assertive and competent in both their private and public relationships. People that are low
in self-confidence tend to be reticent and somewhat anxious.
Family Orientation, or the degree to which a person supports and values the family. People that are family-oriented
tend to want or already have children, are very close to their immediate relatives and prefer cooking at home to
eating at a restaurant. People that are not family-oriented tend to be individualistic, unconventional and very much
enjoy attending parties and social functions.
Self-Control, or the extent to which a person exerts control over various aspects of life. People that are high in
self-control tend have strong emotional reactions to things and try to regulate those feelings by micromanaging and
attending to specific details. People that are low in self-control are usually relaxed, even-tempered and lenient.
Openness, or the extent to which a person is open to and dependent upon others. People that are high in openness
tend to like a wide range of things (e.g., food, music, movies, etc.), in part because they are concerned with pleasing
other people. In contrast, people low in openness are very independent and opinionated; they know what they like
and aren’t apt to change their opinion.
Easygoingness, or a person’s work ethic and degree of mental flexibility. People that are high in easygoingness are
very relaxed, broadminded and unaffected by change. In contrast, people low in easygoingness tend be hardworking,
firm, and sometimes inflexible.
IMPORTANT: Before reading your profile, remember that the report is based on generalizations from
research on an international validation sample. Some feedback may not apply to your case. For instance,
we know that overall those scoring "moderate or high" on Family Orientation tend to either want
children soon or are open to the idea in the future. However, this generalization may not be accurate for
all moderate and high scorers. Use these results for self-awareness and self-reflection...and hopefully as
a conversation piece with other Plenty of Fish members!
Your Chemistry Test Results
As someone with high self-confidence, you feel quite comfortable interacting with other people. Indeed, you find the
company of others very stimulating and enjoy meeting new people. Your relaxed demeanor in groups makes people
around you comfortable too. Perhaps because you feel comfortable talking about yourself, others tend to enjoy being
around you and perceive you as socially competent.
The confidence that helps you feel comfortable talking to people also spills into your own personal beliefs about
yourself. Although you have several strengths, it’s likely that you also acknowledge and accept your weaknesses. But
unlike some people, you take full responsibility for your actions—you rarely regret things you’ve done in the past and
are not embarrassed easily.
Perhaps the defining feature that sets you apart from most people is the exceptionally high standards that you set for
yourself. Your competence in social gatherings as well as at work should provide ample evidence for this. With these
characteristics, it’s very likely that people come to you for advice and generally think of you as someone with
leader-like qualities.
Family Orientation
As someone who respects family values, you tend to enjoy the company of family-members and are open to living a
domestic life. If you have children already, you enjoy spending time with them very much and work hard to be a good
parent, but may occasionally wish to “cut-loose” and let your true colors show. If you don’t have children, you
probably desire having a family sometime in the distant future. Although you occasionally enjoy cooking at home,
you also like going to restaurants. This has the potential to create added stress as you transition into parenthood.
You are attracted to the idea of having a family and may be willing to work hard to achieve this, although not
necessarily any time soon. This conflict is illustrated by the fact that you don’t mind doing things around the
house—like cooking and entertaining guests—on the one hand. But, on the other hand, you also like going to
restaurants and parties. It’s possible that in time you might prefer spending time at home more because you won’t
feel like you’re missing anything when you don’t go out.
One aspect of yourself that makes you likely to become more family oriented is that you generally know how to
manage your frustrations and work well on your own. This means that you have some of the basic ingredients to
enjoy family life. Maintaining a tidy home, keeping a well-stocked kitchen, and making sure the kids are safe is a
tough job. So attending to these things, while also taking care of yourself, may prove somewhat difficult for you.
The self-control personality dimension captures the way in which a person regulates and directs him or herself. Being
low in self-control can be both good and bad. Occasionally people may be compelled to follow their intuitions and give
in to their temptations, and your degree of self-control makes this likely to happen more often than not. This can be
good in circumstances where being relaxed and open are important. However, in situations where it is necessary to
be focused and careful, you might find that you do or say things that may be inappropriate.
As someone who exerts little control over your actions, you may find that you commit social blunders that might
offend other people and get yourself in trouble. For example, if you’re given responsibility to work on a project that
requires close attention to detail, you may be likely to overlook important details because you have difficulty staying
focused. Consequently, you might feel more comfortable delegating such tasks to other people who are more detail
oriented. Being able to recognize such characteristics in yourself and having more detail-oriented people do such
tasks could be an effective way to manage your own stress level.
Low self-control may diminish your effectiveness at work. Acting too relaxed can make it difficult for you to focus on
projects that require organized sequences of steps or stages. Thus, your ability to accomplish may be inconsistent.
Indeed, it’s possible that you might be criticized periodically for being unreliable or unable to “stay within the lines.”
Nonetheless, you may still experience many short-lived pleasures and never be thought of as boring.
As someone high in openness, you have a strong appreciation for beauty, both in art and nature. Indeed, it’s likely
that you are easily absorbed in music and art, as well as natural phenomena. Another aspect of your openness is
your emotional insight; that is, you probably have good access to and awareness of your own emotions.
Another aspect of the openness dimension is the tendency to think about abstract concepts and ideas. This thinking
style may take the form of artistic and metaphorical use of language, and/or music composition or performance.
Thus, it is likely that, either in your work or spare time, you enjoy activities that get your “creative juices” flowing.
Your tendency to be open-minded can have advantages and disadvantages. For instance, when there are no clear
rules about how to approach a particular problem, your openness makes it easier for you to identify new ways to
solve problems that might not be very obvious to people that are not as open as you are. In contrast, you may be
bored easily in situations that lack high amounts of intellectual stimulation. In such cases, you might have difficulty
excelling on projects that do not provide much stimulation or require much creative thinking.
Easygoingness refers to one's ability to relax. Based on your score, you appear to “take things as they come” and
enjoy having a good time. However, being high in easygoingness also has the potential to produce stress in a number
of ways. For example, you may find it difficult to complete tasks thoroughly and efficiently. In this way, being high in
easygoingness cannot only make your life difficult, but also the lives of the people around you. Another potential
problem with being too high in easygoingness is that it can provide you with gratification in the short-term, but in the
long-term provide undesirable consequences.
High easygoingness, even when not seriously destructive, may also diminish your effectiveness at work, for example.
You may find it aversive and difficult to put in all the effort that may sometimes be needed to effectively accomplish
certain tasks. For this reason, your colleagues might view you as forgetful and unfocused.
How does your personality affect your love life?
Given the strong degree of confidence that you have, it’s no surprise that you get along well with most people.
Indeed, it’s self-confidence that allows people to feel comfortable interacting with others without feeling insecure and
vulnerable. For this reason, you shouldn’t have much difficulty in romance, at least not initially. Your social skills will
likely help relieve any anxiety your romantic partners might have on those first few dates. However, over time, the
high standards that you have for yourself could potentially frustrate your partner.
Because you respect family values but appreciate a good night out on the town, you probably get along well with
people that are different from you. For this reason, you would probably be quite content in a romantic relationship
with someone who shares your same values on these issues. Being in a relationship with someone who enjoys going
out to parties and staying-up late at night might be fun, at least initially; yet it’s likely that you will find this tiring
over time. Thus, it might be easier and more satisfying for you to develop a long-lasting relationship with a person
who enjoys both spending time at home and going out to eat.
As someone who is more relaxed than most people, you likely get along with most people quite well. Chances are
that your friends and colleagues perceive you as lively, fun to be with, and good-humored. When it comes to
romance, you’ll likely be attracted to most people. However, your free-spirited nature might make being in a
relationship with a person that is more rigid than you difficult because you might perceive the person as being too
uptight and controlling.
Your openness probably makes it easy for you to respect and appreciate people that are different from you. However,
when it comes to romantic relationships, your openness might make it difficult for you to tolerate people that cannot
appreciate diversity as much as you. Therefore, you may be happiest in serious relationships with people that share
your open-mindedness. But, your openness might occasionally cause a certain degree of dependency on your end
because you may be so open that you easily adopt the preferences and habits of your partners and gradually
relinquish things that make you so unique.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
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Sunday, January 24, 2010
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Saturday, January 23, 2010
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What are guys supposed to do if their gf is doing another guy? In the movie, you are supposed to beat up the guy to get respect from him and get a new girl to get respect from the girl. Then what? Yay... you have respect...
Why kill all the people in the fraternity if Denzel Washington is the only real bad guy?was an interesting one. WHat gives one person more power than another? WHat gives one person more authority than another? Should all people have the same authority? Not all people have the same capacity, priorities, abilities, concern for others. Voting would make sense... but it doesn;t take into consideration that people that are influenced by irrelevant things have an equal voice as people with more knowledge and who have looked at likely long term effects.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
This was a scenario my room mate proposed. I'm sure there are people who do not come from money that could not be bribed.. where money is not a priority, but ethical responsibility and international relations are most important.
Do we need someone who is from wealth to be president in order to be respected by other world leaders? If farmer Bob became president, would Russia take him seriously? I feel as though the president is just a face for the people behind him (or her).
A ruling has just allowed corporations to buy ads for people running for political office. Based off of the Obama campaign, one may assume that ads impact voters. So does this mean that businesses will determine who wins elections?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Should this be taken as a challenge to men to improve themselves in perceived reliability? The foster dad smoked and sat on the couch only talking to his foster son
Watching the terminator 2 and the Matrix tonight, both had very good quotes.
"You humans are not mammals. Mammals have an idea of balance. They live in their environment. You humans have no sense of this balance. You overconsume and spread further and further in pursuit of more resources with no regard to the impact on the rest of the world. There is another organism on Earth that does the same thing, a virus. You are a virus, and we (machines) are the solution."
Wow. In T2, Sarah can;t go through with killing the scientist. Should someone be punished before they are about to do something that will harm people? Shouldn't they just be redirected or reassigned?
Ohhhhhh... "You're judging me on things I haven;t done yet. How was I supposed to know?... Men like you, creating hydrogen bomb, how are you supposed to know? You know only how to destroy. Not to create a life inside of you!" -Sarah Connor
What kind of technology should we really be pursuing? We need to have a redirection here. Seriously, are we building computers to shop faster for things we really don't need? Or are they for getting online to stream television movies that influence us to buy certain brands or behave in a way that writers and people with money tell you to act? Is it to get onto social media to keep in touch elecronically with "friends" you rarely see?
---I come from a pro business background. Just because I propose something does not mean that I believe it, but it does mean I would like an understanding of the answer so I can feel more secure with where I should be standing. I always had low respect for people that had not taken an economic class. I think other people should be exposed to things by first understanding all about business... then getting into environmental understanding of current business practices then makes someone interested in possibly finding a way to change consumer demand and the areas where technology is concentrated... away from fashion and into quality of life, Away from war and into social reform for a more enjoyable society. A lot of great ideas can occur if more people are given opportunity at a young age. But they don;t have to be uniform ways of thinking. Different cultures have different ways of approaching things, some better than others in terms of effectiveness, some better in terms of amount of natural resources consumed, some by other evaluative standards we may not think about now, but should be later on.
Why the people in the terminator continue to use guns and not something else like electricity or an emp pulse could be used to show that humans are determined but do not learn from the past.
Why the liquid metal terminator always goes back into his policeman form doesn't make sense either. Why the terminators would fight in an area they knew they could die in- gears and liquid metal didn't make sense either.
Why the terminator doesn't use the old arm from the original terminator to repair his destroyed arm and then use what he knows to improve the world doesn't make sense. I suppose there is a possibility that if something goes wrong with him and he gets reprogrammed or rebooted, he could be a threat to humankind.
The ideal robot would not be shaped like a human.
How can you program liquid metal....? Where is the chip? Power source?
Why do we have to be so violent? To survive when everyone else is violent? To not be pushed around?
roy, moss jen the it crowd -- there is a guy that plays a character that Tracy Morgan from 30 Rock could be nbased off of.
going in for the kill doing it for the thrill, I'm hoping you'll understand
"If a terminator can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too." -Sarah Connor
Axium of choice- a fake math proof- thanks Alonso.
The Dance Lesson- a short movie thsat was totally random showing you how to dance... but not knowing what it is.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Hmmm. The movie shoudl take a less macho route and propose another way of dealing with security guards the police will not convict. The owner, a guy trying to be his friend, seemed reasonable.... Well until later in the movie when he says he can get away with drug dealing.
It was pretty funny how he walks around with a famous stick.
The smashing of other people's property the way they do is not condonable. He is too much of a hothead. People will see this and not see how ridiculous it is. but rather how cool it is. Wonder why there is abuse? Men are shown to be like that. People do things they are exposed to, even if it just starts out as curiosity.
Blooper! 2 scenes next to each other where the casino owner lights his cigarette in different locations! Right before Chris's truck is blown up.
State police should be available to be called in when local enforcement is not enough. Perhaps other local police would be sufficient and be closer in proximity anyway.
Is it better that people become educated? With current American culture without education, I have the impression that abuse rates are high, achievement levels are low, financial literacy is low, since exposure to disciplines that positively impact the community are few- doctors, innovative business owners, engineers, inventors (probably the most for the community not including teachers, which are extremely important as well. I would be a teacher if they would compensate me better and allow me to continue doing things to benefit the world, like innovate, improve product processes, etc. The salary for teachers is low, it does not attract people like me who would shape children differently than some of the teachers I think are teaching kids.
I wonder if fewer people would sell drugs if they thought it was less profitable than they currently perceive it. I'd consider doing things like police investigator if the pay and benefits were better and the people I was working with were on a higher plane of thinking than my current perception of them.
Have a system in place where if something is resold by the original buyer, the manufacturing company gets money. The longer sometihng lasts, or is exchanged, the longer the manufacturer gets paid for making a good product. Or everything can be recycled (having deposits on everything). When something is not usable anymore, it is recycled. This option though would reduce the amount of surplus things and increase prices.
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Saturday, January 16, 2010
How can environmentally sustainable companies compete with other companies that do not follow the same guidelines of conduct, especially when it comes to harvesting natural resources?
Friday, January 15, 2010
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If you are the second worst in a group, the philosophy is to keep the person worst than you from quitting so you do not be the one called out.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Statistically it does not make sense to enter a raffle and you can't use the money for tax deductions. Tax deductions are a little funky in that it does not cause people to spend money wisely, but buy new things... which keeps the economy growing at a faster than needed pace.
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Culturally, when one driver had a problem with his truck, another competing driver was helping. I like that. I believe that media is supporting the idea that you should help one another, even if you are in competition.
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Monday, January 11, 2010
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Thank you Lord for this great day
(This causes the person to have a positive outlook on the days events)
That I could do both work and play
(people should desire to both work and spend time with their families. Rhyming makes it easy to remember. It also obligates people to work.)
...possible continuations....
Help me prioritize what I do
That I can help others with you
That the tasks I start become seen through
To focus so tasks are seen all the way through
That tomorrow's tasks are seen all the way through
(this may put responsibility for the tasks on tomorrow and not the person)
That my tasks tomorrow are seen all the way through
That I see tomorrow's tasks all the way through (I would not work in a collectivist culture.. should we stick with an individualistic culture? God is not in "I")
Sunday, January 10, 2010
What kind of legacy is worth leaving? have I accepted the idea that my consciousness will end? I understand that one day I will become less capable of certain things, so I must do those things while I can. There are other things that should be done as well, but are of a lower immediate priority because they can be done later. I've been saying that "I'd like to do XXXXXXX before I get arthritis." because I understand this. (Is there a comma after "that" and a sentence is quoted?"
Some things I'd like to do include (in order of thought):
1. run a marathon
2. write a children's book
3. Author a series of "choose your own adventure" books about morality (My interest being my credentials)
4. find unjust laws and revise or remove them and/or come up with better ones
5. Develop a "Joshtopia" by evaluating and reconstructing expectations, media, social life, traditions, politics, making things simple... but not at the expense of making people unable to do things themselves, unless that is better, what is better? WHat is the purpose of life and existence unless that is immoral- morality is relative... There is a lot to think about. I'll have to rename it to get people to live there. There is that thing that variation is what causes innovation. If everyone was the same
How do we have free regulation of temperature if share only decreases the heat by about 10 degrees?
Saturday, January 9, 2010
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Thursday, January 7, 2010
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
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